Hey there,

Let me share something really special with you. I'll keep it short. It's a story about my friend, Kaito Takashi, a young man with a spirit as resilient as a samurai's, despite the frailty of his body.

Kaito's world revolved around his love for art and anime. He poured his heart into his drawings, each stroke of his pencil infused with passion and determination. But life wasn't easy for him. Born into a poor family, he spent his days toiling in the fields, his dreams of helping his parents overshadowed by the limitations of his weak body.

But Kaito's spirit refused to be confined by the hardships he faced. He reached out beyond the confines of his village, beyond the boundaries of his culture, and found a kindred spirit in me, Kyo Kusanagi, all the way from Norway. Despite the miles between us, our shared love for anime and gaming brought us together like magnets.

When I heard Kaito's story and saw his incredible talent, I knew we had to do something together. We embarked on a journey to turn Kaito's dream into reality—a manga/anime/game combo that would showcase his art to the world.

For two years, we poured our hearts and souls into our project, fueled by the hope of seeing Kaito's work published. He even managed to create 721 pokechibi characters, a testament to his dedication and creativity. But then, tragedy struck. COVID-19 dealt a devastating blow, and Kaito fell ill.

The last time I heard from him, he was battling the virus, his future uncertain. And then... silence. His contacts went cold, leaving me with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency to keep his dream alive.

So now, I'm here, reaching out to you, asking for your help. Let's make Kaito's dream a reality. Let's kickstart his project, let's honor his dedication and hard work. Together, we can create something incredible and help his parents live comfortably and proudly, knowing what their son achieved.

This isn't just about art or anime. It's about friendship, perseverance, and the power of dreams. It's about making sure Kaito's spirit lives on, smiling down on us from above as we lift his life's work to fruition.

So, will you join us? Will you contribute your energy to Kaito's spirit bomb and help us achieve our goal? Let's show him he was never alone. Let's make his dream a reality, together.

Your support means the world to us, whether you're joining for the potential profits or simply to be a part of an amazing story and project. Every contribution, big or small, is deeply appreciated and helps us move closer to realizing Kaito's dream. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your kindness, generosity, and belief in what we're striving to achieve. Together, we can make magic happen and ensure that Kaito's legacy shines brightly for years to come.